OPEN RIDES & EVENTS > Past Rides : Pictures, Discussion, & Carnage

Aetna 9/16/18

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--- Quote from: Big Dave on September 17, 2018, 04:38:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: clark123456 on September 17, 2018, 05:42:17 AM ---
--- Quote from: Big Dave on September 17, 2018, 04:57:02 AM ---Did y'all hear any banjos?  lmao

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Were you tuning yours in?

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You had to be there. Kevin will understand.

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Kevin knows how to tune banjos also?

Just seeing the locals hanging out (anytime)

One time Lenn broke a drive shaft and I decided
to follow and make sure he made it out. A local
couple (we will call them that) lead us out on a
4 wheeler. Between him stopping, getting another
beer, her missing teeth and halter top that she
shouldn't have worn, and him throwing beer cans
every where. Think of the one person you know who
cusses the most.... mutiply times a thousand.
The only thing that missing was banjo music.

Thought I heard the dude from Slingblade in the trees

Big Dave:
The best part is when we fell of the 4 foot ledge into a revine. They wanted us to go up this straight up bank about 10-15 feet high.
We managed to find a way out once we stopped listing to dem hillbillies.

Yea you have to choose your...ummm...friends...wisely up there. That’s for sure. I once watched a drunk man walk across the top of the campsite on top of the Pb hole naked and pass out when he fell face down in a mud puddle in the trail. I was like 16 at the time so I didn’t say or do anything about it. I’d probably find it less amusing these days since I have the kids with me. Those days seem to be over though...there’s hardly any traffic anymore.

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--- Quote from: Big Dave on September 17, 2018, 08:49:37 PM ---The best part is when we fell of the 4 foot ledge into a revine. They wanted us to go up this straight up bank about 10-15 feet high.
We managed to find a way out once we stopped listing to dem hillbillies.

--- End quote ---
Was this the 2012 trip? When you had your white XJ? I do remember somebody going off a cliff on that trip. Along with my springs popping out

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